Thursday 26 February 2009

Brian's Life

The finished piece

Because or out situation with the weather and completely changing the idea and reshooting the film at such short notice, i thought our piece was goodish. Obviuosly, we could of done with more time in which to take more shots and to edit, but i think our piece achevied what it was suppose to do, to be a comedy.

Thursday 12 February 2009

our new film

The last week or so have been very busy for our group. We as a group knew that our original idea of making a horror film was going to be very difficult due to weather outside and lighting. So we made a new short film to try and get the best possible marks that we could.

On Monday 9 of febuary, we filmed for our new film which is of the comedy genre. Because we had limited time, weve had very little time to plan how we were going to use camera angles and props in the film. This caused arguments between out group over where to put crops, what types of camerea shots to do like panning, tracking, high angle and low angle. Even though we had not planned, created a script or made a story bored. Hannah and Emily managed to tape enough shots for us to produce a new short clip. In my opinion, i found filming fun and i enjoyed it like my other group mebers did even with the arguments included. I think the downside to our film was that we ddint get enough shot types to show our true producing skills and the diagetic music was also a problem with filming. If we were able to improve on our film, then i would try adding more shots to the film so tehres a high chance that the audience intended understands what the characters will be like in the film.

However, Editing has been a problem for us as stated in the comment below. I, if there is a next time to making or doing something in the editing suite, would like to have more imput into how to cut from scene to scene and have any other influences in making a decision to help improve out film. We would like our followers to add a comment on our movie when it has been posted and tell us the good bits, bad bits and ways of improving our film for future reference.

Thanks, Nilesh Patel

Editing contiued

We have had a lot of trouble with editing our clip. When we fist put all the shots onto the computer we had 26 and slides and when we editing them all down it was 6 and a half minutes long as it could only be a maximum of two minutes we had to cut a lot of it out. We then edited it again and managed to make it two minutes long. At the moment hannah and i are trying to make it as short and good as possible using different editing techniques.


Over the past couple of days emily and i have been in the editing suite. We have edited the clip before, during and after school. We have spent plenty of time going over and over the clip perfecting the clip.
Since Nilesh's house when we filmed we have got straight to work so that we can meet the deadline of Friday.
Were still working on it now but only have a few more bits and pieces to do.

Wednesday 11 February 2009


We all went to Nilesh's house after school to film our work. We used lots of different shots and different parts of the house to add variety. We disagreed on a lot of things to do with our film like the music we used and the camera shots we used. We managed to film all of it in the end and in today's lesson and will upload our work once we are done.

Monday 9 February 2009


Today we are going to be filming our new idea. (Finally).
We have decided that we are going to completely change it and go along with the comical effect. Boyzie(John) will be in the film as the main character and Nilesh will also be in the film. Emily and I will be filming it.
Were hoping to complete it in one day and finishing school early to complete this.

When we have finished this evening, our next media lesson we shall edit it, then get it posted as soon as possible.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Change of plan

Due to the snow that is still here and the snow that is supposed to come in the following days we have had to stop filming our film and change our idea. we now have the idea of doing a comedy inside so that the weather cannot affect our work. We have to film next monday and edit next week as we now only have just over a week until our work needs to be complete. We will upload the little bit of work from our last idea that we have done. As soon as we film some of our new one we will upload it.

Monday 2 February 2009


Due to the snow, again we are having to cancel on our filming.
When we finally go back to school we will start recording as soon as possible then

Sunday 1 February 2009


Hopefully (if the weather is ok) tomorrow we are going to continue with filming after school. When there we are going to have to re-do a take as it is to dark to see. We have also found out hat we can darken the screen when editing to make it look more at night. This will help solve the problems when filming in the day.