Wednesday 28 January 2009

Problems with filming

the last couple of weeks we have struggled with filming. Weather has limited us to filming as we cant have different weathers in different scenes of our film. Different lighitng will not give a good effect to the horror film. Also we had not realised that lighting could be such a problem. As our setting is in the woods, lighing is darker so we have to film before sun light goes. This coming week, we are planning on makign sure we have done all the filming to make sure we can edit before half term.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Our first film

The Strangers Video

This is a film that we have looked at and could possibly use some shots,angles and get a few ideas from.

Thursday 22 January 2009


We like the sound of Muse, Hysteria we think if we slowed it down a bit it could be a good piece of music to use for our film.

Review of The Strangers

In our lesson we tried looking for some music, we looked at sound effects, movie trailers and music videos.
We looked at a band called black emporor, we thought that there music was heavy metal so it would not sort our film.
We looked at a heart beat for a sound effect, we are debating weather to use this or not yet.
Finally we watched a few trailers e.g Doom, 28weeks later and the Strangers.
We found that the strangers really suited our film as this is like our film.
We could possibly use the music and we also have some good ideas for some shots. Here is the clip.


This is the first part of our script. It is as much as we have filmed.


Two girls walk out a house.
Girl 1: Bye dad
Girl 2: Bye!
Dad: Have fun and don’t go through the woods.

The two girls stumble round to the side of the house.
Girl 2: We are really late let’s take a short cut through the woods
Girl 1: No! You have heard the stories my dad told us
Girl 2: There all rubbish
Girl 1: Okay but just this once

They walk through the side gate towards the end of the garden and towards the woods.

Girl 1: I’m really not sure about this!
Girl 2: What’s the worst that could happen?

Girls walk through the gate which creaks and off into the woods. Over to the left you see a creature in the woods. The girls walk off into the distance and you see the creature following them.

Starting our film

We started to film our two minute opening of our film last night. We went to John's house as out the back of his house is the woods. We started about four but we finished about 4:45 as it got dark really quickly and we couldn't see anything in the camera. We managed to film different shots and we have enough work to start editing some today in our lesson. We will need to go back to John's house so we can film the rest of our opening, but will make sure we leave enough time to film enough of it.

Monday 19 January 2009

Our Second Film Ideas

For our next film we have chosen the genre horror. We came up with many ideas about what to do and where. In the end we came up with having the film in Ashtead Common/Epsom. Emily and I would be 'coming home from party' and we decided to take a short cut. However doing this results to our death.
Probs we are going to be using are costumes Hannah&Emily : Jeans Heels and Top
Boyzie: Dark Clothes and probebly a mask of some sort.
We will be using the weapon as a spade & we will be using bottles of wine to achknowlage that Emily and I had been drinking.

Nilesh will be filming the piece. As we are off site we are using |Nileshs Camera and my Tripod.

We were going to film this on Monday 19th but due to people being ill and the weather we are having to re schedule.

Out first piece of coursework

For our first one i thought it was alrite,however it would of been better in many ways.
The first obvious point is that my(boyzie) hair changes three times, this made it look very amatuer and unprofessial, but for our first one, this can be expected. The other thing was that some of film was deleted, this caused a delay in editing as we had to re film a scene. This made the film look rushed in the final scene.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Film Analysis

Over christmas our homework was to analyse 3 films of our genre. We have chosen horror. This is what I came up with.

American Psycho

Voice over to explain who the person in the film is, daily life and what they do. This shows importance to the character. Shows main character. Also Non Diagetic sound of background music. This gives the effect of it being eerie sound so knowing the genre.

Camera Angles/Shots-
Most camera shots are short and quick. This is the effect of a rushed life. They have a reflection shot of him in a picture. The picture is from the music Les Miserable. This could show that this person is upset and depressed. This then zooms in onto his face to show a head shot of him. All shots are based at eye level so not to judge the character just yet; this is apart from a shower scene. This is because to show the shelf in this.

Setting is in his flat. The flat is has modern equipment and furniture. This shows the era that this is set in. (2000).

Costume and Make Up-
Costume in this is mainly white shorts. This shows perhaps vanity and perfection of the body. White shows purity.

Lighting- Lighting is shown clear and pure.

The Shining

Non Diagetic Sounds to set mood which would be quite unsettling. However it becomes deeper to become eerie.

Camera Angles/Shots-
Long Shot at beginning to establish where we are, Panning shot with birds eye view to follow a car. Then have lots of different panning shots at different levels. A man walks into a room. A long shot to establish the room and the people in it. A man wearing a smart suit carrying a plate with dishes on them, indicates a hotel. When he walks over to the desk he puts his hands onto the reception desk representing power. He slowly walks away leaving his hand to be the last thing on it, this confirms the power theory.

Location is first set over water. It then changes to woodland, mountains and weather changes from sun to snow to show travel in time. When in the hotel it has a posh setting of a upper class scene. It is set about the 1980’s due to the type writer being used and the clothes.

Costume and Make Up-
Man wearing a dark suit shows wealth but mysterious. The women at reception wearing causal clothes from 1980’s confirms the eerie set in.

All lighting is natural as being filmed outside. When filmed inside the light is from the windows and candles from the chandeliers. In the office it is again lit by lights in the room.

Sweeny Todd

The sound being a organ gives a scary effect. Then continues to be even more eerie. Singing is used as dialogue to tell what is happening. Dialogue is also used.

Camera Angles/Shots-
Panning shot of over houses to indicate where we are. The barber’s pole shows that probably in old London. There is a long shot of a boat to show where we are going to be. Close up of face to show detail in expression. Two shots are used to show two people speaking and both expressions at the same time.

In London due to seeing the barbers pole. Panning over murky rooftops shows perhaps in a Victorian age. London Bridge rising confirms it being London. Shows many London settings like London Tower. The bad weather can show a bad time.

Costume and Make Up-
Pale makeup to indicate the cold weather. Rings under there eyes to show little sleep which shows that not living in very good conditions. Costumes are dark clothes showing mysterious. The white streak in Sweeny Todd’s hair could indicate him being pure at some point in his life. Also it could be like this because had a shock in his life.

This is made from computer effects making it look like the moon is shining on them.
When off the boat it is lit by the street lights.

Wednesday 14 January 2009


Yer this is our first bit of filming so its not exactly spielberg
enjoy, if you actually watch it.


This is the opening to 28 weeks later:

Different Openings of Films

We watched different genre films in class. Two of them we watched were Daddy Day Care and 28 weeks later.
Daddy Day Care started with an establishing shot of the house to show where we were. It goes in side and you see a young boy waking up to get ready for the day. Lively music is being played to make it more fun. He walks into the toilet and the music stops. You hear him goign for a wee and then the music starts again. This adds humour so we know its going to be a comedy.
In 28 weeks later, we see a family in a dark room. There are candles on certain people to show their importance. The mother worries about her children who went on a school trip and did not come back before they went into hiding. A disease had been going round and when people get bit by a dieseased person they become a zombie. All of a sudden there is a knock on the door. No one wants to let him in but they realise he is a small boy. The dad lets him in but soon after the zombies are at their house as they followed the boy their. Some of them get bitten and the mum, the dad and the young boy run upstairs. The dad goes to the window and opens it he calls the mum and son over but the zombie comes in so he jumps out the window and runs. There is then a running scene of him going to a river. There is a man with his boat. The zombies follow and he gets in the boat and rows off. We can tell from this opening that it is going to be a horror film where people are running from the zombies.
As a group we prefered the horror film so we chose horror as the genre of our own film.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Our horror movie

From some of the trailers we saw in class, i think camerea angles movements and sounds will need to be taken into account with some thought. There are many ways which we can create the intensity for the film but choosing the right one could be a problem when editing the movie. in my opinion, slow, dark eary music would be great for the woodland setting.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Our two minute trailer

We have to film the opening two minutes of a film for our coursework. We decided to do a horror film. Our idea is for two girls to be walking from a train station after a party. They are late so they decide to take a short cut through the woods. You see the back of a man digging a hole in the middle of the woods. As they are walking through they hear noises and see shadows so they start to run. Then you hear them both scream and this scream fades. The whole film would be about the man being a stalker and a murderer and kills these two girls and goes on to kill more throughout it. We will use different camera angles in the trailer to add tension. We will also use different music in the beginning it will be happy music and then as soon as the girls get scared it will change to a heartbeat again to add tension.