Thursday 15 January 2009

Film Analysis

Over christmas our homework was to analyse 3 films of our genre. We have chosen horror. This is what I came up with.

American Psycho

Voice over to explain who the person in the film is, daily life and what they do. This shows importance to the character. Shows main character. Also Non Diagetic sound of background music. This gives the effect of it being eerie sound so knowing the genre.

Camera Angles/Shots-
Most camera shots are short and quick. This is the effect of a rushed life. They have a reflection shot of him in a picture. The picture is from the music Les Miserable. This could show that this person is upset and depressed. This then zooms in onto his face to show a head shot of him. All shots are based at eye level so not to judge the character just yet; this is apart from a shower scene. This is because to show the shelf in this.

Setting is in his flat. The flat is has modern equipment and furniture. This shows the era that this is set in. (2000).

Costume and Make Up-
Costume in this is mainly white shorts. This shows perhaps vanity and perfection of the body. White shows purity.

Lighting- Lighting is shown clear and pure.

The Shining

Non Diagetic Sounds to set mood which would be quite unsettling. However it becomes deeper to become eerie.

Camera Angles/Shots-
Long Shot at beginning to establish where we are, Panning shot with birds eye view to follow a car. Then have lots of different panning shots at different levels. A man walks into a room. A long shot to establish the room and the people in it. A man wearing a smart suit carrying a plate with dishes on them, indicates a hotel. When he walks over to the desk he puts his hands onto the reception desk representing power. He slowly walks away leaving his hand to be the last thing on it, this confirms the power theory.

Location is first set over water. It then changes to woodland, mountains and weather changes from sun to snow to show travel in time. When in the hotel it has a posh setting of a upper class scene. It is set about the 1980’s due to the type writer being used and the clothes.

Costume and Make Up-
Man wearing a dark suit shows wealth but mysterious. The women at reception wearing causal clothes from 1980’s confirms the eerie set in.

All lighting is natural as being filmed outside. When filmed inside the light is from the windows and candles from the chandeliers. In the office it is again lit by lights in the room.

Sweeny Todd

The sound being a organ gives a scary effect. Then continues to be even more eerie. Singing is used as dialogue to tell what is happening. Dialogue is also used.

Camera Angles/Shots-
Panning shot of over houses to indicate where we are. The barber’s pole shows that probably in old London. There is a long shot of a boat to show where we are going to be. Close up of face to show detail in expression. Two shots are used to show two people speaking and both expressions at the same time.

In London due to seeing the barbers pole. Panning over murky rooftops shows perhaps in a Victorian age. London Bridge rising confirms it being London. Shows many London settings like London Tower. The bad weather can show a bad time.

Costume and Make Up-
Pale makeup to indicate the cold weather. Rings under there eyes to show little sleep which shows that not living in very good conditions. Costumes are dark clothes showing mysterious. The white streak in Sweeny Todd’s hair could indicate him being pure at some point in his life. Also it could be like this because had a shock in his life.

This is made from computer effects making it look like the moon is shining on them.
When off the boat it is lit by the street lights.

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