Thursday 26 February 2009

Brian's Life


abbie&cat said...

Abbie and Cat's evaluation:
What we like about this film beginning is the fact it reminds us of typical film openings in past comedies. We like the idea about having the film opening centred around the main character and how the personality of the character is clearly portrayed. We especially liked the over the shoulder shot of the charcters face in the mirror because we feel the lighting compliments the character and allows the audience to see his comedic facial expressions and personality clearly.
We do feel however that some of the shots could have been a little steadier. In particular, the zoom shot of the clock seems a bit jerky. We also feel a wider variety of shots could have been used.
Overall, the comedy genre was displayed clearly and it is a good beginning that helps the audience understand and guess what may happen in the rest of the film.

Zoƫ Benjafield said...

I thought this was really creative, in the shots you have used and the soundtrack. It works well together, and fits in to make a great opening for a film.

Rachel, Lucy, Nikki and Dale said...

We thought your film had a good variety of shots and was very comic!
The song made your film light hearted and makes the auidence want to watch more! Our favourite shot is the mirror shot, we think it was very well done. The handheld shots make your film seem like a real life documentary.
We really liked your film, well done! :)

Andy Clark said...

What i liked about this film was the comedey with boyzie dancing and singing in the mirror. There was a good use of camera shots and the mise en scene was also good. I liked it well done.

Greg Potter said...

I thoguht the scene was a clever way to star a film it portrays the main character early but doesnt give away the genre, it than slowly sneaks visual gags into the scene and we than become aware of this comedy. I liked the opening sequence, opening the door and walking through the house, i thought this was great use of a point of view shot. The only criticsm i have of this sequence is the use of zoom, i felt although with a proper film camera can be effective, in this instance it did not create an effect that i felt suited the film.

Mikel :) said...

nice :) easy to get storyline and good use of shots. i know there was some controversy about the music being copyrighted but you stuck with it and i hope and think you should get a decent grade for this :)
(blog may need more detail) i enjoyed watching :) genre didn't need explaining, showed what you wanted to show. Nicely done guys ^ _ ^

Boyzie said...

Having read all these comments, it seems like that the majority of the people that watched our film enjoyed it, however, we could of done a few things better.
We needed to plan earlier and start filming earlier so we could of taken more shots, so we could compare the used of handheld camera shots and the use of the tripod for some steadier shots.

Mirzo said...

after watching your short extract as a group we think the use of camera shots and angles are very effective for the opening of the film.
We also found the use of a diagetic soundtrack an intruiging technique as it draws the audience into the film and gives a sense of exclusivity.
On a slightly negative note, we found the storyline quite hard to follow as there is no real sense of purpose.

Overall we have enjoyed it and found it mildly entertaining and humorous.