Saturday 2 May 2009

Choices of Camera shots

For our film, we needed to think of the types of camera shots to make sure the audience knew how the character felt and what he was like. We thought a tracking shot would be good as the opening shot because it can show if the character lives in a messy or tidy house. This could then give away part of the characters personality.
We then thought that in the film, the character is feeling confident and happy that he is going for an interview for a job. So a low angle shot would be appropriate because the audience will be able to see that he is feeling confident and good about himself. This same shot would also be used when he is putting his suit on when the character thinks he is looking good.
Within the film, the main character is seen dancing to Michael Jackson in his room. So we thought a variety of shots was needed to show off the dance moves he is pulling off. We used high angle shots, mid shots and close ups to show his excitement for the job. These shots are also used to show how he gets ready for it, and how the audience can relate to what he does to real life.

Friday 1 May 2009

Mise en scene

For our film, we wanted to make the Mise en scene as realistic as we can to a young adult who was abit of a party animal and found job life very boring. The room we used had many posters from Eminem to Friends which is what many adults listen to and whatch. We made the floor as messy as we could to show that this man could not care about where things go in his room. We left the laptop on to show he doesnt care about the enivronment or gas bills. An open Condom packet is shown to show that he could be abit of a ladies man too. The actor is going for an interview at Mcdonalds for a job. So we thought we should make him look scruffy as a job at Mcdonalds isnt brilliant, but to wear a suit to show he can make the effort.


For our film, the characters used will nee to be wearing Pjs and a suit. Here are some ideas for what our characters should wear in the for the opening scens fo the film.

For the Pj choice, the clothes should be patterned as most young people like to where more fashionable clothes, even if it is only Pjs. They could also be quite immature, and could include woman on them or famous logos like playboy, to signify that it is a young mans clothing.

For the characters suit, it should be grey or black and should be quite formal, so he could be seen out at a social event with it on. It should also be smart enough to be seen at an interview. Which is what the character is going to in the film.

Target Audience

When thinking about making the film, we had to make a decision about who the film would be aimed for. As we have gone for the comedy genre, actors who are young and jokes which the majority of young adults/ older teenagers would understand, our target audience therefore are both male and female audience between the ages of 15 to 25. We came to this conclusion because both male and famale like to whatch comedy movies and will be able to relate to the jokes which are said within the film. We went for the 15-25 year old bracket because any older than that and they may not understand the humor. It is a film meant for the out going people who do similar things to the characters in the film and as the characters are young, it would be fitting to have a target audience around the same age as them.