Friday 1 May 2009

Mise en scene

For our film, we wanted to make the Mise en scene as realistic as we can to a young adult who was abit of a party animal and found job life very boring. The room we used had many posters from Eminem to Friends which is what many adults listen to and whatch. We made the floor as messy as we could to show that this man could not care about where things go in his room. We left the laptop on to show he doesnt care about the enivronment or gas bills. An open Condom packet is shown to show that he could be abit of a ladies man too. The actor is going for an interview at Mcdonalds for a job. So we thought we should make him look scruffy as a job at Mcdonalds isnt brilliant, but to wear a suit to show he can make the effort.

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