Wednesday 22 April 2009



Our final film piece is called ‘Brian's life’. It was made by myself, Emily, John and Nilesh. It stars John (As Brian) and Nilesh (As Dave). Our initial idea was to make a horror film but due to weather conditions, as we were filming outside this was not capable. We started filming this and everything was going well including editing but when we started to film our second part the snow came and dead lines were meeting so we changed the idea completely.
Our new idea was to have a comedy, something inside and something that could be filmed in a realistic environment. We filmed at Nilesh’s house and I believe really made the comical effect work. Our work is on our blog and on YouTube.


We used John as the main character being Brian as he was the funny character, the one that was laughed at. We made him symbolize a man that isn’t very well off, lazy, possibly a student due to the surroundings and having a funny attitude towards his life. We made the place seem more realistic to surroundings by having lots of rubbish around, messy and having one single bed for two people represents lack of money. The time period it is set in is modern day. You can see this by having casual clothes, Michael Jackson playing, classic student attitude and the house living in.
At this point there are only two people involved. This is because we really wanted to focus on John and make him stand out from the other characters. You only briefly see Nilesh as we wanted him to be more in the background.
We made our film as realistic as possible by having a student room, the language spoken is modern day and having no un-realistic happenings.


Our target audience would be the YouTube generation. This is because they can relate to the people in this small clip. This is also because they are more attracted to the comedy genre. It would not be for an older generation because they may find some of the language offensive. We came up with this decision by us being able to relate to these people ourselves.
We analysed and researched our film by watching beginning of films with the genre of comedy. We analysed together as a group Superbad, Dodge ball and Knocked Up. We also watched films individually on the comical effect to give ideas on what we were going to do.

Camera Shots

Our camera shots used are quite limited so therefore we should have used more varied angles and shots. Especially when getting out of bed when he gets up from falling, this is not linked very well and this should have been re filmed at a previous date to connect this better. The shots could also have been a lot steadier when zooming in and out (clock scene and house zooming in). We could have perfected this by slowing the zoom in and steadying the tripod. This would have also added to the comic effect due to having smoother actions.

Sound Editing

We also could have made the whole film silent when the music begins to play, and then have the soundtrack played over the top. Then match up his miming in the editing suite. However this would have an extreme amount of time and we as a group personally feel, having the music on the tape sounds reasonably good.

Final Evaluation

Overall I think that we as a group did well, however some parts could have been improved. Shown above the sound editing and camera shots would have been a must have to improve. I enjoyed making and editing our film and feel that we as a group did well in the task.

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