Wednesday 22 April 2009

final evaluation


we started off our film initially to be a horror genre. But due to weather events and light problems, filming was very difficult. We then decide to make the film to a comedy genre. the outline idea to the film is 2 room mates are struggling for money so they only have 1 bed to sleep in. But the main charactor gets a job interview at a fast food restaurent and the humor developes from there. The main charactor is Brian, a student whos life is being represented in the film. This why we called it "brians life".

Here is the link for our film


We have tried to make a scratch idea for our film. We noticed that not many comedies start with a charactor going to a fast food resaturant for a job. so we thought that would be a good idea as it was original. We decided to set the film in my house, because it is quite small and compact, which can be simular to what students live in at university, We though at in this time peroid, students are always straped for cash, so makin 2 people sleep in one room can represent the poorness of nowerday students.

We have creating a scence of realsim of making the house look messy as students tend to live in a messy life style. Also the opening shot you can here rain falling, maybe suggesting that this is going to be like any other day, misserable and a long.

We wanted the parts of the mise en scene to be realistic but parts of it to be unrealistic to create the humer. The music was Micheal jackson-billie jean, and we see Brian (john) start dancing to it as soon as he wakes up, this unrealisticness creates humor because its something that wouldnt usually happen. Also we see brian hitting over the ready made jenga blocks, this was unrealistic because its not usually a game a student would play but alo realistic because it wakes up the other charactor in the room which happens often in students lives.The mess that we see on the tracking shot to the room shows lots of different objects making it look realistic because it is messy just simular to a students house. We used camera work to represent the who the main characters were. There are mainly only shots of brian to suggest he is the main character but we did not use many camera shots which is what we could have improved on. There is not much to much dialogued used, which wasnt o important in creating the humor as it it came the actions of the charactors.


I think our targets audince was the youtube generation and for males and females aged 15-25. this is because we wanted the film to be based on views who would enjoy the comedy genre, people who use recent technology like youtube alot and to people who may have been through simular events like students being poor in the film. We came up with this decision because its all something that all of us in a group had a good idea about and we could share our knowledge to try create a good opening scene.
for our reserch we whatched a couple of comedy films, but we though the opening scene to "dodgeball" was good to what we were wanting. Also we saw that alot of youtube viewers were of a young age, so this helped in the pre production process becuase we knew we had to make a film which will attracted these viewers.
when sampling our film on our target audience, we got different responces. Some said that they got the idea that it would be a teenage comedy movie but they said that camera work wasnt that great. Others said that the camera work helped but the dialogue and mise en scene wasnt that helpful. We learned that our next film we would have to get both problems corrected to make sure the audience knows what the genre is for sure.

Progression from the preliminary task to the main task
the preliminary task got us using the cameras. This helped us when choosing the type of camera shots to take of the characters. It also helped us with music and sound, we used two types of sound in the priliminary task but only one in this task.
In the primilinary task, we made the mistake of not wearing the same clothes sometimes and a big mistake of one of group having a hair cut. which can be found on
Final evaluation
in conclusion, i think the film was not a bad success. Analysing the comments that have been said about our film has helped us choose what we would do to the film to help improve it. When i first saw the finished film, i saw mistakes which were shown in the comments. I did like doing the comedy genre, it was fun to do and all our group enjoyed working together and our ideas were shared through out the group. I wouldnt change the genre of the film but i would like to have taken more camera shots for the film so we had more choice on what we put in our opening scene and maybe spent more time on pre production and post production, but this was effected by the weather events and lighting that stopped us from doing out original idea.

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