Wednesday 22 April 2009

Response to Greg Potter

Greg: I thoguht the scene was a clever way to star a film it portrays the main character early but doesnt give away the genre, it than slowly sneaks visual gags into the scene and we than become aware of this comedy. I liked the opening sequence, opening the door and walking through the house, i thought this was great use of a point of view shot. The only criticsm i have of this sequence is the use of zoom, i felt although with a proper film camera can be effective, in this instance it did not create an effect that i felt suited the film.

Hannah: I agree what greg said about the zoom and feel that we should have re done this shot. This would have improved the comical effect as making it more realistic. I also think that a better variety of camera shots would have been nessesery (stated in other comments). This would have improved our film dramatically. We also take note to when the door is opening you can see an arm. We understand that this makes it unrealistic and theirfore we would have tried 2 perfect this better. We are glad that most people enjoyed watching our film and hope to make more soon.

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