Thursday 23 April 2009


Our film is about two boys who live together. They are both slobs and don’t have jobs. One of them wakes up and is going to a job interview at McDonalds. The other stays in bed. They are trying to get jobs so they can get a decent flat as all they have at the moment is a one roomed flat with one bed which they share. We had loads of ideas for our work. We started to film a different one about two girls going home from a party but because of the weather and other problems we changed our idea. This is a link to our opening: We have represented teenage boys in our opening; it shows them how they might live. The camera work in our opening was okay but not we could have used a lot more shots we used a variety but needed more to make it better. The sound we used was good but we should have done it over the top instead of filming it. We now know that we should have done this and know to improve it next time. Our target audience would be teenagers as it is relevant to some of their lifestyles and they would find it entertaining. We chose this because we are teenagers so we know what we enjoy and we are able to relate to it. We tried to show this by doing as many things that were funny as possible. We only used a camera and a tripod to film our work but if we had had more money it would have been good to have other equipment e.g. a track to film a tracking shot. The preliminary helped us a lot with the main task as we were able to practice using the camera and the program on the computer. We had an idea how to use the camera but was good to practice and none of us knew how to use the computer work so it was extremely helpful to learn that before we did our main task. Overall I am happy with our opening but we know that there are a lot of things that we would change if we did it again. For example using more shots and doing something different with the music.

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